Christmas in the streets
Join us for our 2021 Concert Benefit!
Our event is free to attend. Bring hoodies to donate for a free plate of food... OR donate financially to purchase plates of food or raffle tickets for the raffle ticket auction on site!
A Family Celebration of Christ's Life
Every year we invite the body of Christ to unite alongside us to bring a family-style Christmas to our Forever Family on the streets. Christmas is a time to remember why Jesus was born in the first place, and as He ministered and taught us how to love He reminded us to remember to feed, clothe, and visit with the lost.
“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth,
when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,
you were doing it to me!’"
— Matthew 25:40 NLT
We have desired to see the love of Jesus poured out into the streets. Our, "Forever Family," are the children of God, to which there is no hierarchy or status that divides us. We enjoy going out to see, get to know, and encourage our Forever Family on the streets. We don't want to focus on the sins or mistakes of our brothers and sisters who struggle with homelessness, amongst other things. Loving them to Jesus is our goal. So, as His hands and feet, we strive to love them right where they're at while encouraging them by being living examples.
Jesus was radical in how He loved. He didn't just feed or clothe those that needed it, He chose to spend time with others. He sat down for a meal with sinners and had a conversation. Love is an invisible attribute, and is more than giving resources… Love is seeing the child of God in someone and giving your time and attention to them -- despite your differences and problems.
Many of those who assist HoodOutreach are living, breathing testimonies of what God can do, and are caring people who desire to give freely the same love they've received. From addicts to prostitutes, drug dealers to violent criminals, thieves to simply broken by the world… We are new creations because of God's grace, and grace alone.
As part of our heart to give love, every year, on Christmas night, we desire to bring a family-style Christmas to our Forever Family homeless and lonely on the streets of Visalia. We organize community partners, churches, and varying parts of the Body of Christ to unite as one body and bring the love and grace of Jesus to the streets.
A sponsor or donor to HoodOutreach's Christmas can help by giving the following:
Food (Posole, burritos, tamales, to-go snacks, water, coffee, hot chocolate, etc.)
Warmth (Jackets, hoodies, blankets, gloves, socks, sleeping bags, etc.)
Hygiene Care (Soaps, brushes, razors, feminine products, etc.)
Simple Gifts (Bike repair kits, tents, make-up, backpacks, portable chargers, etc.)
Godly Connection (Bibles, journals, devotionals, prayer cards, etc.)
Perhaps you don't have a desire to give items, but you can provide financially to support us. Financial donations help support the cost of gas for driving and our generator or purchasing supplies that don't get donated. All contributions are tax-exempt and checks can be made out to:
The Life Church Visalia (Referencing HoodOutreach)
and mailed to: 27450 Rd 148, Visalia, CA 93292